As I write this, I’m probably almost as concerned about planting as my farmer-visitors are, and that’s because we’re well on our way to getting ready for the 2020 Farm Progress Show and Husker Harvest Days.
And while we’re getting the site ready, we also like to make sure that visitors know what to expect. A couple areas include camping on-site, and of course the rules for golf cars on the site. And I struggle with “golf cart” or “golf car” just like you, but turns out it’s golf car!
First, our camping rules haven’t changed. Both the Boone, Iowa, and Grand Island, Neb., sites will have on-site camping available starting at noon the Monday before gates open for the show. (Both shows run Tuesday through Thursday; FPS dates are Sept. 1-3, and HHD dates are Sept. 15-17.) Your vehicle must be self-contained; we have no hookups — just some handy parking for you and your RV.
Love them or hate them, the golf car is now a fixture at both shows.
If you want a golf car for the Farm Progress Show, work with our approved vendor, Battery Specialist and Golf Cars, at 866-275-2742 or visit the website at bspgc.com. The company’s normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Note that availability is based on when you reserve, and often these sell out before the show. Learn more about FPS golf car rentals.
The approved vendor for Husker Harvest Days has yet to be contracted, but we will have that information on the website as soon as this is confirmed. Learn more about HHD golf car rentals.
A few rules
With motorized golf cars there are rules, and these are important to follow at both shows. I’m summarizing here; you can find all these rules online at FarmProgressShow.com or HuskerHarvestDays.com. You can bring your own golf car to the show — provided it meets our rules — but you must purchase a permit.
Note that pedestrians always have the right of way. You can’t go faster than 5 mph with the golf car, and you must not enter an exhibit with the vehicle. Operators who drive into an exhibit will lose their permit, and the golf car will be removed from the exhibit area.
You must remove the key from the vehicle when you leave the golf car. And the vehicle can’t transport more people than the number of seats available — two seats equals two riders. You can’t pull an attachment with the golf car. Operators must be at least 25 years old.
This is a summary of the rules — there are more online. The key is to reserve early, drive carefully and enjoy the show.