A Virginia corn grower set a new record yield in the National Corn Growers Association 2019 National Corn Yield Contest.
David Hula of Charles City, Va., reported a record at 616.1953 bushels per acre with his Pioneer P1197HR hybrid. He entered in the strip, minimum, mulch, ridge-till irrigated category. Despite adverse growing conditions that impacted most farmers, improved seed varieties, advanced production techniques, and innovative growing practices allowed corn growers to achieve many impressive yields across all categories again this year.
The National Corn Yield Contest is in its 55th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members.
“Yield contest participants create and share information that shapes the future of the industry while participating in friendly competition,” said Roger Zylstra, chair of NCGA’s Stewardship Action Team. “At both the state and national levels, contest winners find new ways to excel in a variety of situations. In turn, these innovations can help their fellow farmers face challenges as well. Our contest emphasizes invention and improvement, both from growers and technology providers, that enables U.S. farmers to meet the growing demand for food, feed, fuel and fiber.”
The 27 winners in nine production categories had verified yields averaging more than 383 bushels per acre, compared to the projected national average of 167 bushels per acre in 2019. While there is no overall contest winner, yields from first, second and third place farmers overall production categories topped out at 616.1953 bushels per acre.
Other national winners include:
- Heath A. Cutrell, Chesapeake, Virginia, 381.4666;
- Ben Price, Chillicothe, Missouri, 323.0605;
- Drew Haines, Middletown, Maryland, 422.3521;
- Matthew Kyle Swansoon, LaHarpe, Illinois, 330.4345;
- Dominick Santini, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 339.0991;
- Kevin Kalb, Dubois, Indiana, 394.4922;
- Dustin Dowdy, Valdosta, Georgia, 432.0448;
- Bridget Dowdy, Valdosta, Georgia, 552.9674.
For more than half of a century, NCGA’s National Corn Yield Contest has provided corn growers the opportunity to compete with their colleagues to grow the most corn per acre. This has given participants not only the recognition they deserved but the opportunity to learn from their peers.
Winners receive national recognition in publications such as the NCYC Corn Yield Guide, as well as cash trips or other awards from participating sponsoring seed, chemical and crop protection companies. The winners will be honored during Commodity Classic 2020 in San Antonio, Texas.