Soybean Watch: Even though yields were average or better, the year wasn’t without challenges. Click through the slideshow for a recap of the season.
If you had told the grower operating the Soybean Watch ’18 field in April that he would harvest about 60 bushels per acre, he would have been thrilled. It would turn out to be likely the second-highest soybean yield ever harvested on this field, going back more than four decades.
Reports from other areas indicate that some growers harvested higher yields in 2018, but others harvested lower yields. Reports in the eastern Corn Belt ranged from 40 to 90 bushels per acre for field averages. After years of the state’s average yield being stuck in the 40s to low 50s, it’s difficult to feel anything but satisfied with 60 bushels per acre, says Steve Gauck, who scouted the Soybean Watch ’18 field throughout the season. Still, different areas saw different challenges this year, he notes, and even individual fields within areas faced their own obstacles.
When the dust settled after harvest, it was clear that good production practices, strong genetics and ample rainfall during pod fill turned 2018 into a good year for soybean yields.
Gauck is a Beck’s sales agronomist based in Greensburg, Ind. Beck’s sponsors Soybean Watch ’18.
Early-season scouting
The Soybean Watch ’18 field was no-tilled in 15-inch rows with a planter in early May. Soils are primarily silt loams, with internal drainage issues. Part of the field slopes, with soils in one corner underlain with sand and gravel as two distinct landscapes merge. The field isn’t tiled or irrigated.
Emergence was good with one notable exception, Gauck recalls. “There were tracks where planting began,” he explains. “We determined they were caused by applying fertilizer with a buggy after planting.”
In that part of the field, crusting resulted in nearly zero stand over the tracks. Where fertilizer was applied before planting, tracks were evident later in the season, but emergence wasn’t affected.
The first big challenge came when heavy rains returned in early to mid-June. “The crop needed rain, but without drainage, some spots became saturated and started yellowing,” Gauck says.
By checking roots, he determined that nodulation was affected. Where water could move through the soil, plants were greener in color and nodulation was good. Bacteria within nodules on roots provide nitrogen.
Mid- and late-season notes
Soils dried out and the crop appeared in relatively good shape by midseason. “Weed control was good overall,” Gauck says. “We did find a few tall waterhemp plants and some mutant pigweed plants. There weren’t enough to bother this season, but signify that they could be an issue in the future.”
Until that discovery, the grower was unaware that tall waterhemp was on the farm.
Rains returned in August and pod development proceeded at a good pace. By mid-August, Gauck saw signs of sudden death syndrome. “There were scattered plants showing symptoms here,” he says. “We had more numerous calls and reports of SDS elsewhere. We saw quite a bit this year.”
The agronomist also saw several fields with stem canker, although not in this field. Green stinkbugs were prevalent in this field, however, and in many others. They may be one cause of quality issues that developed in some areas by harvest.
Soybean quality remained good overall in this field, according to the grower. Since the field was binned, exact yield isn’t known. Based on yield monitor information, the field averaged around 60 bushels per acre, with only minor differences among the three varieties. The grower termed yield difference among varieties as “not significant.”
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![STRONG YIELDS soybean field drying down](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451a2.jpg)
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The bottom line after the combine ran was that the Soybean Watch ’18 field produced the second-highest soybean yield it had ever produced in nearly half a century.
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![GOOD STAND hula hoop around soybean plants in field](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451b.jpg)
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Checking stands with a hula hoop is a basic part of crop scouting. Early stand estimates pegged actual population at 100,000 to 120,000 plants per acre. Agronomist Steve Gauck says as long as there are 80,000 plants per acre, you can achieve full yield potential.
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![GAP IN STAND young soybeans in field](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451c.jpg)
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Notice the gaps in rows, especially in the right half of the picture. Driving over planted soybeans with a fertilizer spreader apparently affected emergence.
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![MINOR EARLY-SEASON ISSUE disease on soybean leaf](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451d.jpg)
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Gauck points to some disease on the tip of a leaf early in the season. One variety not treated with a soil insecticide also showed minimal leaf feeding from bean beetles. Overall, disease and insect problems were minor early in the season, Gauck says.
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![TOO MUCH RAIN yellow areas in soybean field](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451e.jpg)
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Several days after a heavy rain in mid-June, these yellow spots certainly didn’t look like 60-bushel-per-acre beans. The field isn’t tiled. Drier weather allowed the soils to dry out and soybeans to recover later in the year.
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![GREAT RECOVERY Steve Gauck inspecting soybeans](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451f.jpg)
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By late July, soybeans were green and moving into reproductive stages. Warm, favorable weather had the crop back on track for good yields if August provided rain, Gauck noted at the time.
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![PODS AND BEANS hand holding soybean pod](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451g.jpg)
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A few four-bean pods were found during the reproductive phase. But what really matters for yield is bean size, Gauck says. Ample rainfall in August provided adequate size for good yields.
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![LATE-SEASON WOES soybean plant](http://www.americanagriculturist.com/sites/americanagriculturist.com/files/Link%20-%20soybean-watch-Gauck-Bechman1029F1-3451h.jpg)
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This picture captures what many observed late in the season: green stinkbugs and beans popping out of the pod. While the Soybean Watch ’18 field was not greatly impacted, stinkbugs, pod shattering and diseases linked to excessive late rains caused some yield loss and soybean quality issues in some areas.