These top varieties are specifically catered to Mid-Atlantic and Northeast growers.
The time to start shopping for corn and soybean seeds is on.
American Agriculturist asked top seed companies for their top corn and silage hybrids for 2019 geared toward Northeast and Mid-Atlantic farmers. Six companies’ products appeared in the October edition. Three more companies responded to our call for top corn products.
We have also included top soybean varieties from six companies.
For readability, RM stands for relative maturity.
If you have any questions on a variety, contact your local seed dealer or email American Agriculturist at chris.torres@farmprogress.com.
• Augusta Seed
This 100-day variety has excellent early vigor and ear flex, and good stalks and roots.
Ideal for Virginia and points south, this variety has good dry down, high test weight and strong tolerance to grey leaf spot.
This 109-day variety is ideal for points north of Virginia. A widely adapted hybrid, it is a consistent performer and a good choice for corn behind corn.
This 108-day variety is ideal for areas north of the Delmarva region. A medium-size flex ear plant, populations should be between 24,000 and 36,000.
A 115-day variety, it produces girthy ears with high test weight.
• Chemgro
This 86-RM variety has exciting yield potential in a package with strong defense. The girthy ear style has solid test weight along with good stalk strength, roots and plant health. It also has high drought tolerance with Agrisure Artesian. Good in all soils.
This 92-RM medium tall plant has solid stalk and root strength. It has very good stay-green and late-season plant intactness. Optimum performance is at medium-to-high plant populations. Very good test weight for maturity. Best performance when kept in the 85-95 RM zone. Should be used in average-to-high producing soils.
This 95-RM is the VT Double Pro version of 5546R3P. The short-statured plants have moderately long, fixed ears. It has average test weight grain with very good plant health. Fits corn-after-corn rotations at average to high populations. Flared husks aid in fast grain dry-down. Should be placed in average- and high-producing soils with good fertility.
This 96-RM is a taller plant with strong early growth and vigor. It gives a dark color early in the season. Good grain dry-down with solid dual-purpose potential. Should be placed in average-to-high producing soils with good fertility.
This 117-RM full-season hybrid is great for silage along with a good disease package with trait options for corn-on-corn acres. It has girthy, moderately long ears with wide kernels and average test weight. Slow drying for optimum silage harvest as a full-season product. Should be placed in average-to-high producing soils at low to high plant populations.
• De Dell
DL 1960
This hybrid has been in De Dell’s portfolio for more than 15 years and still comprises more than 20% of overall sales. It is grown in 10 states and three Canadian provinces. It has a 94-day maturity and is a consistent top performer. It harvests the easiest of nearly any corn grown, whether by handpick or combine, and is a favorite of Plain Sect growers across the Northeast.
DL 1445 organic
This early dual-purpose hybrid has an 89-day maturity with nice grain on a pink cob. Its major characteristics include early hybrid vigor, which enables it to get out of the ground early, and a well-developed root ball enabling the plant to manage water and nutrients better under stress conditions. While it yields deep kernels with good test weight, it also is a moderately tall plant with wide leaves giving it true dual-purpose features as a great silage as well.
DL 5601
This hybrid is the top seller in New York state and comes in both conventional and certified organic hybrids with a 100-day maturity. A well-developed rooting system supports a tall plant with superior nutrient management and drought tolerance. The ears are large with easily digestible white cobs. Silage results are consistently good from year to year, making this dual-purpose hybrid a good choice.
Delicious Won and Dynamite
These dedicated silage hybrids tie for the highest sales in the Northeast. Delicious Won is all about balance: the right balance of starch energy from the ear with the right amount of dry matter from the leaves and a highly digestible stalk. Like all non-GMO hybrids, it is preferred by livestock over high-lignin Bt corn hybrids. Dynamite is fast becoming the company’s biggest selling silage corn due to its leafy and floury characteristics. Superior silage yield and quality contribute to unbeatable milk-per-acre numbers.
• Dekalb
An excellent level of yield potential for this 85-day variety. Has shown stability across yield environments and has solid roots and stalks.
This is a strong silage product for the Dekalb portfolio. It has shown good overall yield and quality, which makes it a solid fit for beef or dairy operations.
This 107-day variety has shown the strongest performance in the Midwest and East. It offers strong yield potential, good stress tolerance and a great overall disease package.
A 112-day product that has shown the greatest performance in the Midwest and East. It offers exciting yield potential in fields not infested with corn rootworm.
This is a 112-day product that has shown strong performance from East to West and has the ability to maintain performance across yield levels. It has the versatility to be used on most acres and management styles.
SOYBEAN SHOPPING: We didn’t want to forget soybeans, so included are top soybean varieties for several companies.
• Agrigold
A 2.9-RM variety with strong SDS tolerance and great yield potential across broad acres.
Broadly adaptable 3-RM variety that performs with excellent emergence in all soils.
Broadly adapted 3.4-RM salt-excluder variety with excellent standability and stress tolerance that can be used on irrigated acres.
A 3.5-RM variety with top-end yield potential, excellent emergence and early season growth habit.
A 3.6-RM variety that is highly adapted to poorly drained and marginal soils. The product's agronomic and yield package works well in moderate to challenging environments.
• Chemgro
This 3-RM medium tall variety has strong defensive traits. It has top yield performance in the early Group III maturity. Liberty Link GT27 soybeans that provide options for your specific weed control needs.
This 3.1-RM has excellent standability along with new genetics for outstanding yield potential in the East. This is a high-yielding line that will shine in big yield environments and soils. It has strong SDS, phytophthora and cyst package.
This 3.5-RM is a taller line with good lateral branching and strong emergence with cyst resistance and brown stem rot control. Liberty Link GT27 soybeans with high-yielding genetics and the trait stack of glyphosate and Liberty.
This 3.9-RM has excellent standability with good resistance to cyst, stem canker and phytophthora. This is a line that can go full season or double-crop from southeast Pennsylvania to Delmarva. Comes with weed control flexibility of glyphosate or Liberty to meet the specific in-season needs of your acres.
C2250R2 RM2.2
This 2.2-RM is a high-yielding soybean with solid stability and defense. It has very good stress tolerance and handles variable soils.
• Croplan
Croplan RX3950
New 3.9 Xtend WinPak that consists of RX3878 and RX3977. It is suited for tough acres with high yield potential and strong phytophthora and SDS tolerance.
Croplan RX4117S
A group 4.1 Xtend that offers sulfonylurea tolerance for double-crop market, it is also available in RX4150 WinPak. It has top-end yield potential, moves well across soil and yield environments, and has good stress tolerance. A fungicide is recommended to manage frogeye leaf spot.
Croplan RX4150S
A new Group 4.1 Xtend WinPak of RX4117S and RX4157S. It has excellent stress tolerance of both heat and drought. A fungicide application is highly recommended to optimize yield and manage frogeye leaf spot.
Croplan RX4316S
A Group 4.3 Xtend with nice width and above-average phytophthora, SDS and frogeye tolerance. It has above-average standability and emergence but is susceptible to root knot nematode.
Croplan RX4500S
A Group 4.5 Xtend with WinPak RX4516S and RX4555S. Excels in variable environments with very good phytophthora, SDS, frogeye and stem canker package. It handles drought and heat stress very well.
• LG Seeds
This 2-RM variety brings outstanding yield performance, excellent emergence and standability along with excellent disease protection and agronomics.
A 2.4-RM that brings excellent agronomics and top-end yield potential. This product has very good standability in addition to strong white mold and iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance.
A 2.8-RM that produces very high yields. This is a bushy plant that has height to handle stress, varying soils and environments with very good early vigor.
This 3.5-RM has a solid yield history and can be utilized across soybean growing regions. This product shows excellent adaptability to no-till and minimum tillage and is well-adapted to all row spacings.
This 4.2-RM variety is a key product for this maturity and provides consistent and solid yield performance. It offers farmers a choice of herbicide options being stacked with sulfonylurea tolerance.
• Local Seed Co.
Disease and stress tolerance make this variety a solid performer in all Sub-Group II areas. Recommended for wide and narrow rows with great white mold tolerance. A must-try for Northeast growers.
A new Mid Group II Round Up Ready Xtend variety for maximum weed control. An attractive plant with strong agronomics for high yield potential. It has great standability and pod intactness.
A new trait offering in Liberty Link GT 27 allows flexibility for glyphosate and glufosinate over-the-top applications. This 3.5-RM is a strong agronomic offering and is best for central Mid-Atlantic producers.
This 3.9-RM Xtend soybean excels after small grains and on lighter soils. It offers solid protection from soybean cyst nematode, sudden death syndrome (SDS) and frogeye leaf spot.
Early Group IV soybean that allows you to achieve herbicide flexibility to control tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds. Recommended for full season and double crop on all soil types. Great frogeye and SDS scores for affected areas.
• Partners Brand Seed
PB 2061
A 2.0 Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybean that can top any yield trial you put it in. This variety combines good plant health with favorable early season emergence.
PB 3116
A 3.1 glyphosate-tolerant variety with good plant health and great versatility across multiple soil types. This variety is a rugged plant that handles stress very well with excellent disease ratings.
PB 3316
A 3.3 conventional variety that can work on any soil type with great roots, stalks and disease tolerance. It has soybean cyst nematode protection as well as great SDS ratings. A medium tall plant with nice branching fills rows well and makes this variety a consistent high yielder.
PB 3517
A 3.5 RR 2 Xtend variety that can compete with anything in the fields. This variety has great emergence leading to excellent stands and fantastic disease and plant health. New genetics have shown dominant yield performance, and the addition of multiple herbicide options makes this variety a good option.
PB 38K12
A 3.8 glyphosate-tolerant variety that offers remarkable overall health and outstanding disease tolerance. This variety has stood the test of time continuing to show great yields for many years. It adapts well to all conditions.